DotScap Proofing Format

DotScap should automatically generate and download your Scapple file to your computer. If that doesn't happen and you are not prompted to download a file, you may need to try a different browser. The Scapple file will be generated with the default options; to set your own options, ignore the initial download, change options, and press the Regenerate File button below.


Notes: Thicker borders appear on the start node, any unreachable nodes, and other detected nodes of note. Traced nodes are colored blue regardless of the other color settings. When color by length is on, all other nodes are colored in shades of red (shorter than average) to green (longer than average) based on the relative length of their contents.
Tag options use the first tag on each passage unless Use last tag is checked; optionally detected special tags are ignored in this ordering. The omit by tag(s) option omits the passage regardless of tag order. Stray or misplaced nodes can result from the omit tags setting, or from duplicate passage names or other linking issues.
0 nodes, 0 leaves, 0 links, and 0 links per node.