
You sorted all the rows in minutes.

About the Decktet

The Decktet is an alternative deck of cards with six suits (named Moons suit symbol for moons, Suns suit symbol for suns, Waves suit symbol for waves, Leaves suit symbol for leaves, Wyrms suit symbol for wyrms, and Knots suit symbol for knots), ten to twelve ranks, multiple suits on most cards, and other intriguing features not used while playing 6x10. In the Decktet, cards are ranked Ace, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, (Pawn, (Court,)) Crown, ascending. Numbered cards have two suits each. Aces have a single, round suit marker suit symbol for wyrms in the center and corners, and Crowns crown symbol also have only one suit. Pawns pawn symbol and Courts court symbol are optional triple-suited cards from the Extended Decktet which are used at higher levels of 6x10 but not in the base game. The suit distribution follows no particular pattern.

A double Decktet is two copies of the Decktet shuffled together.

About the Game

6x10 is a Gaps-like solitaire game for a double Decktet, inspired by Friedemann Friese's game 5x15 for five suits of single-suited cards and Russ's 3x10 for the Decktet. The goal of 6x10 is to sort the rows into ascending sequences from Ace to Crown. As in 5x15, 6x10 starts with a random layout of six rows, from which the Aces are removed and placed in front of the rows, leaving six gaps. You can also play 3x10, with three rows and gaps.

For 6x10, some duplicate cards are removed from the double Decktet and some are kept, resulting in six cards of each rank. For 3x10, some Aces and Crowns are removed from a single Decktet, resulting in three cards of each rank.


The Decktet card system was created by P.D. Magnus. The card images and card backs shown here are released under a Creative Commons License by P.D. Magnus. The optional black moons are a cosmetic change by M.C. DeMarco to increase legibility on small screens. The handwriting font is Fortune Letters, also by P.D. Magnus. The background texture is "Skulls" by Adam, from Subtle Patterns.

Please visit the Decktet web site to find out more about the Decktet and to get your own deck. (Note that a double deck is required to play 6x10.)

6x10 is my variant of Russ's 3x10 for the Decktet, which was inspired by Friedemann Friese's game 5x15.

This implementation of 6x10 is by M.C. DeMarco. The code is available at Github. This is version

If you enjoyed this game, you may also want to try Myrmex, Adaman, Aucteraden, or Cascades.

How to Play

You can move any card into a gap, as long as it "matches" a card on either side of the gap in rank order and at least one suit. You can also move any matched sequence of three or more cards ending in a Crown on the left of a gap rightward into the gap. These cards should all share a common suit, which will match the Crown, though this requirement may be relaxed via the settings. The full sequence from Ace to Crown need not share a single suit, though such a requirement may be added via the settings.

Cards are moved by clicking on a card then the target space, or vice versa. (To move a sequence ending in a Crown into a gap, click on the Crown and the gap, in either order.) The current selection will be highlighted. Illegal moves are not permitted and will not highlight. Certain mistakes may be outlined briefly in red.

In most browsers, your game will be saved automatically so you can return to it later. There is an optional undo button, which will undo any number of moves in your current session (but not from a saved game).

Winning and Losing

You have lost when you have no moves left. If you think you've won, you can verify with the Check button.

You can always start over with the New Game button, or replay the same game (deal) with the Replay button. You can switch to other sizes of game in the Settings; this won't affect your current game, though other settings may take effect immediately.



Normal card size shows the full card, but it can be hard to make out the suits this way. Press the Enlarge button at any time to zoom in to just the upper left corners of the cards, or the Normal button to unzoom. This setting also enlarges most text.

Black Moons

For added legibility, a black sky background has been added to the moon suit. Uncheck this option to use the unadulterated artwork in your next game.

The Game

3x10 6x10
3x11 6x11
3x12 6x12

Choose between Russ's original 3x10 and the full 6x10 board. You can also add Pawns and optionally Courts to either one to get more columns to sort; Pawns and Courts go between 9's and Crowns, in that order.

Random Pawns and Courts

Randomize the added Pawns and Courts. If unchecked, the Pawns and Courts from a Myrmex deck will be used.

3 4 5 Shift Cards

The number of "matching" cards required in order to shift those cards rightward. The meaning of "matching" is determined by the next setting.

Match Crown to Shift

When shifting cards, each card must match the Crown's suit (rather than following the usual matching rules).

Single Suited Rows

Each row must fully match the Ace's suit when complete. (This is only a playable option with six rows.)


Allow Undo

Activate the Undo button.

Restore default settings (and erase any saved game).