Edited from the distributivism section of the alt.revolution.counter Resource List
- Hilaire Belloc: The Servile State (1912)
- An attack on socialism and statism.
- Hilaire Belloc: Restoration of Property (1936)
- An essay [78pp] which argues against both Communism and Capitalism.
- Hilaire Belloc: The Alternative
- A reprinted article originally from _St George's Review_ which
explains that socialism is no alternative to capitalism and that
puts the case for distributism.
- G.K. Chesterton: The Outline of Sanity
- Classic Distributist work. Argues for the wide-spread ownership
of property as the economic way forward which will preserve
the individual and family.
- Rev. Cleary: The Church & Usury
- The history of the opposition of the Church to usury.
- Cobbett: Cottage Economy
- The alternative to the concentration of economic wealth and
power in the hands of a few - small businesses and a return to
honesty and craftsmanship.
- Rev. Denis Fahey: Workingmen's Guilds of the Middle Ages
- Olive & Jan Grubiak: The Guernsey Experiment.
- A booklet [25pp] on how Guernsey freed itself from usury
and high taxation.
- Aidan Mackey: Hilaire Belloc and his Critics
- Available from the GK Chesterton Study Centre - vide list of
organisations. An introduction to Hilaire Belloc and
Distributism in booklet form [26pp].
- Aidan Mackey: The Wisdom of G.K. Chesterton
- A short introduction [15pp] to Chesterton and his Distributist
- Wilhelm Roepke. Humane Economy: Social Framework of the Free Market,
and The Social Crisis of Our Time. - Unlike most classical
liberals, Roepke was a devout Christian who agreed with
Distributists that the bigness characterizing capitalist economies
was detrimental to freedom and Christian values. On the other
hand, he believed an unfettered market provided the best basis on
which to safeguard this freedom. The books are a resource for
people who are willing to accept Distributism's critique of modern
society but who can't buy into the "Third Way."
- E.F. Schumacher: Small is Beautiful
- The anti-social effects of big business and the need for small
family properties.
- E.F. Schumacher: A Guide for the Perplexed
- E. Soddy: Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Reality
- A study of money and credit.
- Gary North: Salvation Through Inflation: The Economics of Social
Credit. Tyler, TX; Institute For Christian Economics, 1993.
- A comparison of Austrian economics and social credit theory.
Links checked: January 31, 2015