m. c. de marco: To invent new life and new civilizations...

Help with Ruby

To use Twee2 (a command-line Ruby gem for compiling gamebooks from twee source), you may need to install Ruby 2.0 on your system.

Installing Ruby on MacOS

Note that newer versions of MacOS probably are running Ruby 2.0 already, despite the warning at the Twee2 site. If you’re running an older MacOSX, see the instructions at the Twee2 site for installing Ruby.

Installing Ruby on Windows

To open a cmd window, type cmd into the search box at the bottom of the Windows Start menu. Install the gem normally (gem install twee2).

Building Your Own Twee2

If you experience known Twee2 bugs, you may want to build your own gem from a fixed fork or unreleased version of Twee2. This is very easy: at the command line, just check out the desired code (for example, my fork), build, and install:

git clone https://github.com/mcdemarco/twee2.git
gem build twee2.gemspec
gem install twee2-0.5.0.gem

The version number may be different.