Let's Encrypt!
While updating Scree, the Scrivener template for writing gamebooks that we met last time, to version 1.0.1, I wrote a Twine 2 proofing format just for importing stories to Scree. Due to the Twinery’s HTTPS enthusiasm, I needed an encrypted version of the story format that could be loaded into the online version of Twine 2. This meant securing the entire site, but fortunately Dreamhost does HTTPS with just a click (and a little waiting, and some quibbles about htaccess files that didn’t affect me although I’d expected them to). So, if you’re the paranoid sort, you can hide your traffic from spying eyes by visiting https://mcdemarco.net/
For the 1.0.1 version of Scree, which adds some accidentally missing Scrivener for Windows support, the Scrivener documentation and forums continued to be unsearchable and otherwise unhelpful. I went on about my troubles in the Twine forum, so I won’t repeat them here; suffice it to say that the nagging question of why there would be completely separate Scrivener for Mac and Scrivener for Windows fora at the Literature and Latte site has been somewhat elucidated.